By sulthan on Selasa, 02 Mei 2017

@ Wifi.id is an internet service that is issued PT. TELKOM Indonesia based wifi network in place of public place to fulfill internet requirement of Indonesi society, to access internet from this network we need to have account to login, account this account can be obtained from product product from PT. Telkom indonesia, one of which is speedy, if we install speedy network we will get an ADSL modm and therein have been listed account speedy or speedy number. To get an account to login to @ wifi.id we need to register the speedy number to page my.telkom.co.id, after we register we live login to wifi @ wifi.id, as for how his login is as follows . . .

1. connect wifi both mobile and leptop to wifi @ wifi.id network (usually found in telkom outlet and public place like city park)

2. after connect open the browser, here I use google chrome because more quickly open the login page,

3. type in the adress bar www.google.com or other, it will directing to the page more or less as follows http://welcome9.wifi.id/wifi.id-wag/default/?wlanuserip= -D5-KBL&ssid=@wifi.id&client_mac=00-14-a5-64-c5-62&redirect=http: //google.com/&loc=eth/3/1/0: 110.0 with the following view

4. next select access option to SPEEDY then display will appear as follows:

5. after that enter the username and password that has been made (we have) earlier to the username and password field

6. then click login, if login successful then it will direct to this web page

7. after that type in the address bar again the site that we will open

8. happy browsing ^_^ . .