30 Image Modification Yamaha Mio Style Drag Bike

By sulthan on Jumat, 14 Juli 2017

30 Image Modifications Yamaha Mio Style Drag Bike - One of the scooter matik mainstay of this Yamaha manufacturer seems to have a charisma and keistimewahan that can make some people challenged to make modifications to it. Basically the motor scooter matik Yamaha Mio is indeed looks cool, dynamic, and also sporty. It would actually make the owner of the Yamaha Mio motor want something different from his favorite motor. Well, one way is to make modifications Yamaha Mio drag bike style so you can achieve that cool thing. Modified Yamaha Mio drag style is indeed very loved by everyone, especially for automotive lovers across the country. The reason, can be said if the motor modification with drag bike concept is actually very easy to do. As to whether the image modifications Yamaha Mio drag bike style, consider our reviews below.

Usually, in making this modified drag bike modifier will remove all parts of standard plastic body factory up to Yamaha Mio motor look like naked. And CVT Cover was not separated from the body changes that are done. Usually the standard frame color of the manufacturer will also be replaced with a brighter paint color, but most people who do this skeleton painting using water brush paint. Modified Yamaha Mio drag bike style, usually make the motor display will become more cool and frightening. In fact, the identity of the motor Yamaha Mio as an automatic scooter will be a little forgotten, because at the sight of Yamaha Mio motorcycle modified with drag bike style that there dipikiran we are motor racing

30 Image Modification Yamaha Mio Style Drag Bike:

One of the characteristics of this drag modification is the use of thin tires, the modifier and the owner of the Yamaha Mio motor also do not want to miss to apply on his favorite motor so that his drag bike aura more prominent. In addition to changing the standard tire factory with worm tire, the part of the handlebar must also be replaced with handlebar or custom handlebar. In addition, also on the modification of Yamaha Mio motorcycle style drag bike generally replace the standard alloy wheels with custom wheels as srag bike.

Not only that, the use of the fingers on the wheel too much in the apply. In addition, pruning on body parts can also be applied to the factory default seat. Factory standard seats will usually be changed with a custom seat that has a very thin size, but many also cut the standard up to very thin seats even almost like a board. In the exhaust will also experience changes, usually the owner of the motor or the modifier preferring to wear a racing muffler that has a very noisy sound or also wear a custom drag bike-style exhaust.

In general, the modification of Yamaha Mio motorcycle style drag bike in lakukakn by the modifier does look very frightening and extreme, the form of Yamaha Mio standard motor that looks very elegant will menglian change all-out to be more cool and of course will look very fierce. Modification of drag bikes are often done by the modifikator or creative hands are very seductive eyes, because it displays a very interesting modification results.

Well, how is the viewers, are you interested to make modifications to the drag bike style on your favorite Yamaha Mio motorcycle? Looks like we end the course about 30 Image Modifications Yamaha Mio Style Drag Bike above, hopefully reviews this time can be useful for you all.

# Thank you and Happy Modification ^_^


How To Bore Up Daily YAMAHA Mio Become 150cc faster

By sulthan

How are the automotive lovers of the homeland happy, on this occasion we will share a little tips for all of you who want to do bore up on his favorite motorcycle. Here we will discuss about how to bore up on one motor matik that has been very popular in Indonesia, the motor Mio. As we know, that non-injection Mio matic scooter has a standard engine capacity of 113.7 cc, but most of the motorcycle owner Mio is still wanting performance that is more powerful and more faster of standard engine capacity. And one way to make your motor Mio become more kenceng and powered again that is by doing way bore up Mio motor become 150 cc safe for daily.

By doing so, of course, the engine capacity of Yamaha Mio will increase to 150 cc. Well, we just discussed for the first way, you can raise the piston diameter of the standard Mio motor is only 50 mm or you can replace the piston with a diameter of 57 mm. With the calculation (1/4 x 3, 14 x (57) ² x 57, 9): 1000, then your Mio motor can produce engine capacity of 147, 67 cc. Next you can replace the standard liner liner liner adjusted to the size of the piston you use, meisalnya using pistn from Suzuki Thunder 125 motor.

In addition to using the piston from Suzuki Thunder 125 motor, to be able to raise the performance of the standard engine of the Mio motor, you can also use the piston from Honda GL Neo Tech or it could be from Yamaha Vixion motor. Especially for those who use the piston from Suzuki Thunder 125 and also Yamaha vixion, you have to adjust or adjust to the diameter part. This is because the standard pin of Yamaha Mio only has a size of 15 mm, while the pin of the Suzuki Thunder 125 and Yamaha Vixion is 14 mm in size.

Then for your Mio motor to improve performance, you can also use a piston that has a size of 54.5 mm. To be able to increase stroke or step length, then you can use the total size of 6 mm that has been adjusted to the maximum stroke rules and also this size is considered very fitting. Because if the calculation is incorporated into the formula, then the result of the multiplication and also the division will meet the engine capacity to 148.99 cc. To do the second way it does take a long time when compared to the first way.

In the application does not require boring, but pin adjustment should also be done in some commonly used piston. For example, such as the innate seher from Yamaha Jupiter and Kawasaki Kaze with a diameter of 13 mm. But if the dipiston piston from Suzuki Shogun or Yamaha Jupiter MX, then no need to change the pin.

So thats it tips on How To Bore Up Motor Mio Being 150 cc that we can share on this occasion. Hopefully these tips can be useful for those of you who have read it.

#Thank you and happy Modifikation ^_^


4 Ways Watch Live Streaming Ball on HP Android

By sulthan on Rabu, 12 Juli 2017

How to Watch Live Streaming Ball on HP Android - Live streaming balls for free without internet quota is a desire of many people, but usually the android smartphone users are using android app to see football TV broadcast, but in this review we provide a way to watch Live streaming the ball on android, of course with so it will be easier to see the game that is live broadcast. Because in the development of increasingly sophisticated technology is very easy for us to do anything that is one of them is watching live streaming ball on android phone.

Android does provide a special watch TV watch ball, but it makes us bother because there with the method in the root to install it. Unlike the way live streaming soccer in android, where your smartphone does not need to do the Root method. And here we use a site that can be used to live stream the ball that is rojadirecta.com, www.yalla-shoot.com/mobile and also many others. Therefore please see the tutorial we have prepared below.

How to Watch Live Streaming Ball on Android

1. Open Browser On Android
To watch the ball on hp android the starter card you use must have internet quota, whether it is card 3, smartfren, axis, indosat and also telkomsel. Because here we use the browser to access the sports site, then please open your browser Opera Mini, Google Chrome or other type on the bar rojadirecta.com or can also www.yalla-shoot.com/mobile.

2.Login to Live Streaming Sites
When your internet quota package already exists and then you access live streaming site on hp android. And here we use a site called www.rojadirecta.me, then you will see some tables schedule a sports match, so this site is not just a football game, but like tennis, basketball, badminton, volly and others you can watch .

3. Choosing a Ball Match
Then the next step is to choose the soccer game you want to see, for example today's match schedule Real Madrid VS Barcelona then stay you just click. #HallaMadrid  ^_^

4. Congratulations You Can Watch Live Streaming Ball
And the final step after you've chosen a football game, then the next step is select Watch, then wait a minute and congratulations you've managed to watch football between Real Madrid VS Barcelona.
#HallaMadrid :D

That's what we can tell about How to Watch Live Streaming Ball on Hp Android and hopefully with these reviews it can benefit readers. Thank you and happy streaming ^ _ ^


How to Unfollow Follower Instagram Quickly

By sulthan

How to Unfollow Follower Instagram Quickly - As one of the popular social media this year, Instagram became one of the most widely used social media by young people and celebrities alike. Having the number of followers or instagram pengikit certainly be what you want, but it is not possible if you previously fellow users if you want a lot of followers. One of the latest social media Instagram is an application that is quite popular and growing rapidly and rapidly, moreover there are cool features that you can use. But sometimes there are some of our IG followers who are less polite, then we can do unfollow instagram auto. This is so that we have good followers, therefore the solution with unfollow instagram automatically.

How to quickly remove Instagram followers you can do using one of the applications available on google playstore, IG own unfollowers applications I have never tried, but there is a more powerful way and I have proved myself that toos unfollow followers instagram this work 100% By using a trusted site and working to unfollow your instagram. Site instagress.com is a site enhancer followers and unfollow is quite famous for the user instagram, you can try one way unfollow instagram that we will explain as Bellows.

How to reduce the following in instagram

  • Previously you have to open your instagram account.
  • After that open a new browser, to visit the link instagress.com
  • Please register your account if you do not have an instagram, and if you already have an account instagram you just login by entering your username account and also your instagram password.
  • If you have logged into the dashboard view of the site now just make the settings manually to reduce the number of followers you've ever followed.
  • On the main setting, you can set in terms of speed, just select Fast, then you just maximize the type of media write with 5000.
  • Enter your locations to find anyone around you for you unfollow, be it a restaurant, a gym, a hotel, or an airport, and people - people who are around you.
  • You can also delete people by entering the name of the instagram you want to unfollow.
  • Now you just do START to get started.
This webstite site is more effective than the application you downloaded on google playstore either it increases the number of followers or to remove your followers, but to add followers or unfollow this online site can start work for at least 3 days the longest, and if you unfollow your 0 Can press STOP on the application.

Similarly information about how unfollowers instagram an automated article that we can convey, if there is a mistake in writing please forgive, and also if this article is considered useful my friend can disseminate this article to your friends to social networking..
And do not forget follow instagram admin @reazkihandifa

Thanks and happy instagram ^ _ ^


How to change COC account password

By sulthan

How to Change Password or Password COC Account - humans basically do not escape the word forget especially for those of you who are young, this senile disease is very dangerous at all, but the forgot factor is not only due to derivatives, can be caused because you consume less vitamins and Water so that your concentration continues to decline. This time we will open a little tips and tricks that can help you all change the password coc caused because you forgot or could be your account hijacked by others. How to change the forgotten coc password this time is quite easy because it uses email that is connected to your android phone.

How to change coc password using google account can be a solution of friends - friends in overcoming forgotten coc password, clash of clans which is also very popular game does not rule out your account in the plow by others because it takes time to create a COC account at the highest TH Recently upgraded. For that friends who have problem forgot password coc we will give solution to you through our article how to change coc password bellow..

How to Change COC (Clash of Clans) Password Through PC

  • Previously you enter on the gmail page belong to my friend by visiting http://myaccount.google.com/ which will my friend will be taken on the login form page, which friends - friends are asked to enter the email address and password of your android email account
  • Then navigate down to Search Entry & Security and you can click Go to google account

  • The next step, select the password of the login method select a password
  • Then friends are asked to enter a password in advance that the account is really yours, if it is correct then you just enter the password reset in the password field and you just click tap enter.
  • And if you already will be asked to re-enter password in the password field as confirmation of account of your new password, make sure your password is very difficult to know other people and do not use a password with your name or birth, because it is very easy to be hacked by people who are ignorant .
  • As a reminder note your email account and password on the book page, or a calendar that is not far from your eyes.
  • Stage restore account password completed.
  • Happy Gamming ^_^


How to Make Your Own Blog Icon Look Cool (Icon Favicon)

By sulthan on Senin, 29 Mei 2017

How to Make Your Own Blog Icon Look Beautiful (Icon Favicon) - On this occasion I want to give a tutorial how to create your own blog icon with the icon to your liking. Icon blogger or there are ordinary people call it as a favicon, can you replace with icon or logo design in accordance with your wish tentunnya to look more cool blog look.

What exactly is the favicon and its position there where sh? Favicon is an icon on a web located at the top or next to the adressbar. For standard icon from blogger will look like in picture below:

Icon like this is the default code or icon that generally exist in a blog that you see if the blog has not changed its icon.

To replace your own blogger favicon icon? You need an icon, logo, or photo with a square shape that has the same width on each side and usually has a 32 × 32 size. The purpose of how to create your own blog icon is to have owned blogs look unique and different from other blogs. And of course this can be a typical blog in the eyes of visitors. Like i have this if you see the top most looks like the following:

Actually to replace this blogger favicon in blogspot already provided on Layout menu / Layout on Dasboard Blogger. By default all blogs created from blogger will have the same favicon as the blogger favicon before we replace it ourselves like the example above. For how to create your own blog icon, please refer to the following reviews.

How to Create Your Own Blog Icon

Before you decide to change blogger favicon, I suggest you better prepare the favicon first. This favicon can be built with Adobe Photoshop, Generaton icon online, or use your own photo / picture / logo. Make sure also the favicon size is a 32 × 32 square. If you want to create your own favicon you can create a favicon icon with Photoshop that can help you.

Changing the favicon on a blog should be done by every Blogger, because in checking SEO using online tools sometimes a favicon will also be assessed, if you use the default favicon of blogger then it is considered that the website or blog is not using a favicon, so it would be nice if you Replace the favicon on your blog with your own homemade favicon.

Favicon on blog or icon for a blog should be made as good and attractive as possible although with small size, but you should be able to describe favicon or blog icon with what is in the blog. So must be related to each other.

Creating a favicon for blogs is quite easy just that you should be able to operate some editing software or to create an icon. For example by using software CorelDraw or photshop with the software you can make anything you want and the software is so easy to use let alone just to make the icon for blogger is not too difficult.

After creating the icon for the blog, now suppose you already have an icon that will be used on the blog as a favicon, please refer to the tutorial How to Make Your Own Blog Icon Look Cool (Icon Favicon) which I will discuss the following:

How To Easily Replace Icon Favicon In Blog

Here I will use one website like Genfavicon.com to create a favicon

1. Please go to the site genfavicon.com Then you will look like this:

2. Enter the picture you have prepared there 2 options please select either through the url image or upload it directly (here I choose menguploadnya) and then click Upload image. Then it will look like this:

3. If you have uploaded then you can Select Size to determine the size of the image. Or also you want to cut it (crop & preview) according to the look you want. For this option please select on menu number 2 in the example picture above. If you please please select capture & preview.

4. Next after you select the capture & preview will come out your favicon view, please select Download: png. For more details note the picture below:

After you download the favicon the next step is to install on your own blog.

How to install Favicon on Blog With Easy

After the icon you have created and ready to be installed on the blog, it's time to replace the default favicon on your blog, note the following steps:

1. Login to your Blogger account. In the Blogger Dashboard please select the Layout menu (Layout), then select the favicon, note the following picture:

2. Next click EDIT and input the file you have downloaded from favicon.cc or genfavicon.com service that you have made, then save or save. Note the following picture:

3. The last stage after you finish save, then check on your blog and see the results:

Very easy is not how to create your own blog icon easily and quickly. Only based on the selection of images that match the theme of your blog and your creativity and you can make a favicon cool and interesting.

Similarly the article about "How to Create Your Own Icon Blog Cool (Icon Favicon)" which we have discussed this, hopefully this article can be useful and increase your knowledge.

Note: if this article is useful to you, PLEASE this article is shared to others AGAR other friends also get the information, and if you wish also can like the above fanspage to follow the latest update next. thanks.


How To Install Music In Blog With SCM Music Player

By sulthan on Kamis, 11 Mei 2017

Who does not like music?
Even many things that make our visitors feel at home for long time hanging out in our blog, in addition to rich content, full of information, music also become one of the alternatives that make visitors feel at home to explore our blog. This time Admin will discuss how to install music player on blog that we have. In this case we demonstrate how to install SCM Music Player on Blog. Okay, go ahead,

1. Open Web Scm Music Player.

Cara memasang Scm Music Player Pada Blogspot

Here we choose what style to match the color of our blog or we can use the style that we make ourselves in the form of css, which of course we have uploaded on the internet, so we live pinning the url in the custom skin column. If you have selected the desired style click Next.

2. Enter the desired song

Well this part where we choose the favorite song that we will present in Blog later, in this view there are 2 columns. that is

1. Song Title

Can we fill with the title song or singer or both of them.

2. Song Url
Here we embed (paste) the url of the song we want, the URL of the song can be taken from the web eg from youtube and soundcloud. Click to tutorial how to take a song from soundcloud and youtube.

Do not forget to test the url that we enter, whether to play music or not by clicking the play sign

If it is running in accordance with the desired, do not forget to click next.


  • Autoplay
For songs to automatically play when the blog is opened
  • Shuffle Playback
Random song
  • Default Volume
Determine how hard the volume will be played when you first load the blog.
  • Repeat Mode
Contains 3 options: Repeat Playlist (Repeat song from first song if all songs have been played), play playlist once (play playlist once), repeat item (repeat one track.)
  • Placement Of Playerbar
Contains 2 player placement options later on top (top) and bottom (bottom).
  • how playlist by default
Functioning when checked will show the playlist list of songs since we first open the blog

When all is considered good click done. Then we will get the html code to be placed on our blog which is exactly below <body> before the </ body> sign. Remember ... under <body>

cara memasang kode musik player pada blogger

Go to blogger => Login => and go to your blog. Select template => edit html => in the box containing the html code, find the <body> tag by clicking inside the box containing the html code. Press [ctrl + F] then type <body>. After found then the next step we paste the code under <body>.

Cara memasang kode Player musik Pada Blogspot

Well Now we go in The final step of testing. Open the blog and enjoy your favorite music.
