How To Make Private Blog??

By sulthan on Selasa, 02 Mei 2017

Want to Learn to Make a Blog?

Perform These 6 Steps to Become a Successful Blogger

Welcome, prospective bloggers!

I'll let you know 2 facts before getting started:

1.  if you just make a blog, the way is very easy
2.  But for a successful blog, not easy

You may be interested in becoming a blogger after visiting several major blog sites in Indonesia, then be amazed by them.

Or because hearing that blogs can make money.

Whichever is the reason, this is the right guide for you.

I will not only teach you how to create a new account on Blogger / Blogspot and how to install WordPress.

If only it was 5 minutes also finished.

I will teach you more importantly ...

... that is how to create a blog that has a high chance for success.

After you finished reading this article, you will be able to create a cool blog, interesting, which is not inferior to the best bloggers in Indonesian.

... before we start, one more thing :

Almost all new bloggers ultimately fail after the first 1-3 months ... only a few can succeed.

How come?

Because they make blogs carelessly.

Because of the topic is mixed up, the content is not qualified, the promotion is not clear. Anyway messy.

Then because the blog is quiet continue, they finally got bored.

This is not to scare ...

... this really happens often.

Planning blog is extraordinary importance, so you do not waste your time, money, and energy.

Therefore, before we go into how to create a blog, we will discuss first preparation.

This guide consists of several chapters from preparation, installation, and use. Please go to the chapter you want to learn from this table of contents:

1. Define the main topic of the blog

You might think this stage is trivial ... just pick a topic. In reality, this stage is the most important in preparation.

Let me tell you 1 fact :

Every day there are 2.73 Million new content published blogs from all over the world.

Over 70% of these blogs only earn less than 5,000 visitors per month, or about 150 per day.

What is the cause?

This is the cause ;
  • Unclear, messy blog topics
  • The topic does not appeal to many people
  • opics are chosen they do not control / interest so that the contents of the blog is also not qualified Suppose you only read 5 websites per day.
Are you going to open a website whose content is qualified, interesting, and useful to you ... or a website that only contains articles of origin?

It must be the first. Yes, right?

So you MUST be able to make blog content better than other blogs.

That's the key..

Well, to be able to open good content, then you must choose a topic that you are interested / mastered and considered interesting by many people.

If you choose a topic that you do not understand, the result ;

  • Creating content seems so heavy
  • Content that has been created is not qualified
  • You'll get bored quickly.
Let's just use logic. If we are not interested and do not know anything about a topic, can we possibly teach the topic to others and get them interested?

Very difficult ... especially for beginners..

Please read this guide to find your blog topic :

Chapter 1

Define Topics

Which topics can make money?

Based on a survey I conducted some time ago, most of the readers of this article was to earn money from blogs.

Yes, blogs can indeed be a source of income.

But there is 1 legendary myth that states that only blogs in a particular topic can earn an income.

That's a big mistake.

All topics can produce.

Provided that the content you create is able to attract many people. Any topic can be made into a blog for income. Even blogs whose content is funny.

It's a story from the personal experience of one of my friends ;

3-4 months ago he tried to blog in the topic of tax (taxation), because he said this topic can earn a lot of money from advertising.

He was not interested in taxes at all.

As a result ... the content I created is very low quality. Every time you write content, it feels stressful. Finally blogs are dormant without getting visitors at all.

So, do not pick a topic that does not interest you.

IMPORTANT: If you want to be serious blogging for the long term, do not choose a topic that invites legal issues. For example providing MP3 songs, movie downloads, adult content, and the like.

2. Choose the right blog platform for you 

One of the toughest process in starting a blog we've passed.

Now we get into the easier.

Today's technology is sophisticated. By using the blogging platform, you can write on blogs like writing in Microsoft Word.

These are 3 most popular choices ;

1.  Blogspot - hosted
2. - hosted
3. - Self-hosted

There are still dozens of other blogging platforms, but I will not complicate your choice by discussing less popular ones.

Consider these 2 terms: hosted and self-hosted.

Hosted means your blog 'hitchhiking' on their website. So you will not have a pure own website, and your blog address like this: .

Self-hosted opposite.

You create your own website with a platform called WordPress. The website will be 100% so yours, but you have to pay for the domain name and hosting.

Chapter 2
Choosing Platform

In short, if you do not want to move pages, these are the disadvantages and advantages of each type of platform:

Choose a hosted platform ( or Blogger) if you:

1.  Absolutely not wanting to get out of cost (although not many)

2.  Flawed with limited features
3.  Tough with a view that is also limited
4.  Defend your website name like this:
5.  Shred your website deleted at any time (if you break the rules)

Instead, select a self-hosted platform ( if you ;

1.  Have a capital of about Rp 300,000 per year (for domains and hosting)
2.  Want to have a website that is 100% yours
3.  Want to be able to change the look freely
4.  Want to be able to add any features you need
5.  Want to make blogs look more credible

It was just a glance.

Because it is very flexible, WordPress self-hosted is also often used for more functions than just blogs.

For example selling online, business websites, community, and others.

How to install WordPress self-hosted will be explained below.

3. Specify the hosting and domain service providers

For those of you who have never heard of this term ;

Domain: the name / address of your website.for example domain like Hosting: where your blog files are stored. Like a hard drive on a computer.

The original sense is more complex, but do not bother.

Both use rental system. This means you need to pay every month / year when you rent a domain and hosting. There is no option to pay once for a lifetime.

His role is vital for blogs.

Of course you do not want the blogs you create often experience problems such as sudden death, or can not be accessed suddenly.

So choose a trusted domain and hosting provider.

These are some of the international domain and hosting services that are usually recommended for beginners ;

1.  Domain                    : NameCheap

2.  Hosting Internasional : BlueHost or HostGator
3.  Hosting Indonesia      : Niagahoster (Free Domain)

If you create a blog in English, use international hosting. As for Indonesian blogs use hosting Indonesia.

4. Specify a domain name

The domain name will always be attached to your blog.

Although it can still be replaced, but it will be troublesome and if one can be fatal consequences. Therefore we recommend that you specify the domain name in advance.

Here are 6 things you should look at ;

1.  Adjust to the topic of his blog

2.  Avoid names similar to popular websites
3.  Easy to write, remember, and said
4.  As much as possible use .com
5.  Avoid dashes / minuses (-) and numbers
6.  Do not use other people's brands
7.  Check also the availability of his username on social networking

Some people may not agree with me on the 4th point, because actually there are other extensions besides .com are also good.

For example .org, .net, .co, .id, and others

But the reason I chose .com because it is the most remembered.

I have a blog with suffixed .com, .net, and .org, but in fact there are many people who type the wrong ... that they enter just .com.

So first .com, use the other as the last option.

Oh yes, avoid the dashes (-) and numbers in the domain because people will treat them as spam blogs. EXCEPT if your brand is using one of them.

5. Installing blogs self-hosted with the WordPress platform

Now we go in the steps to create a blog.

In this article I will use NameCheap, HostGator, and WordPress (self-hosted) as an example. You can use hosting services and other domains because it is not much different.

Creating a hosted blog does not need me to explain anymore because you just follow the guidelines that have been directly on the website:

Immediately, please go to the following guides to learn the complete process:

Chapture 3
Installing WordPress

Or follow the guidelines below if you want a faster one.

Step 1 - Rent a hosting service

If you want to use Niagahoster, check out the guide video below: